In Session Today...

I'm home sick still, so clearly I am studying for the LSAT and watching In Session.... when I'm not sleeping and feeling unable to move. :)

Anyways, on In Session today, they are discussing the new development regarding Casey Anthony. For those of you who do not know, there are questions in regards to whether she completed her one year probation while in jail or if she must report to one of the Orange County courthouses to check in with probation by tomorrow. One interesting note here is that in Florida, apparently, one can serve probation while in jail. This is not typically the case, so many across the country are having difficulties understanding it. Further, it appears clear that the judge's intention, as stated and recorded, was that the probation be following her release from jail. In the written order, however, it stated that it was to be concurrent with her jail sentence. It will be interesting to note whether they presiding judge (as the original judge is now on vacation) will go with the intention or let her off on a technicality. Another point of note is that there is a 60 day limit to a judge changing or clarifying an order in any manner. That 60 days is long gone, so the recent addition by the judge of the phrase stating it was to follow her release from prison should not, under Florida law, be an acceptable change.

Warren Jeffs is, for those who do not know, on trial in Texas for sex crimes. As a church leader in what has been described as an old-time Mormonist community, he used his position to both rule the lives and take advantage of young females. The prosecution played an hour and a half of over a two hour tape yesterday of one of his pre-marriage preparation courses for teenage girls. The reactions of the jury and public in the court was impressively somber and heavy. Simply hearing a brief description of it was bad enough. The prosecution has another tape they intend to play today that is a recording of him with a 12 year old. The jury and public do not seem to want to hear more, but it is important that the prosecution get all of the information, including the age of these girls, in before resting their case. I can say that I certainly am glad not to be on that jury. Another interesting bit about the tape is that Jeffs did not allow any members of his community into the courtroom to hear this by telling them that, if they heard it, they would go to hell.
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