Well, I suppose anybody actually reading this is wondering just who is this?? I should probably explain just who I am and what I intend to do with this blog a tad more clearly. At the very least, I'll do so for me - since I go along on the assumption that nobody is actually reading it. I'm mostly writing for me. (That could get to be bad, since I might end up slacking on it when I get more busy!)
Well, this is me: an undergraduate at a business school, graduating early. I'm double majoring and on the pre-law track, since I know that it really makes no sense to actually get pre-law in my degree anywhere. It is nice to get the help from people at my school and the leg up in law course enrollment. (I know that they say not to take man law courses in undergrad, since you have to 'unlearn,' but I really enjoy some of the classes, traveled with one of them, and know it shows dedication. I think about this stuff too much.) I've also worked in a small law office as an intern/paralegal since I was in high school, which is how I know this is not just an idea I have but definitely and exactly what I want to do with my life. I don't want to be a paralegal (nothing against paralegals, since I love my current job); I intend to be a lawyer. I want to go into corporate and civil work mainly, first in a larger firm and then in a small town office similar to where I currently work. Believe me, I have figured this all out to a good degree - enough that I have flexibility with yet still know essentially where I want to be at each step. Therefore, I think it would be wise to go to school around here - honestly, why would one go anywhere else in the world? (Yes, I realize that you don't know where I live. I'm sure it'll come up eventually or at the very least be quite easy to figure out for most people, if anyone ever reads this.) There are plenty of schools in my state alone, with a few more in the region. There are multiple Tier 1 schools around here, so I that helps me out as well.
I'm currently halfway through my Junior year - yes, I am a half year ahead. I plan ahead - I've known the what and how of this since high school, essentially. I hope you don't judge me on that; it is simply something that is quite easy and obviously what I want to do, so I determined the best way to get there.
Now, I just started getting things for studying for the LSAT. I know, I know, this is early yet. I figure I will take a prep course next semester (spring), but prep on my own this semester. Then, I'll take the June LSAT. (If anyone reads this and is like NOOOOOOOOO, tell me? Sweet.) It seems to make sense to me. Also, if anybody has suggestions about what LSAT prep courses are best to take, I'd wicked appreciate it. I've heard a few different things, so I'm a little confused. I had been thinking about the Kaplan online (I know someone who did their classroom and had a tutor and such), but I've also heard a lot of bad stuff about them from everywhere else. I think an online class might be best for me, since I get bored sometimes in classes such as this that are in person and classroom.
Now, what's the point of this blog? Well, I have started this to talk about my thoughts on law topics (which I wrote about below), possibly some entertainment from the office (though I can only talk about things that don't violate client privilege, obviously), and my time studying for the LSAT and such. I'm hoping that if I keep up something such as this, I will do more with it when I get busier at school.
I promise later posts won't be so long all of the time! Also, the topic posts below are edited and added to over time, which accounts for their length and the amount of time between them. That was me debating about how to do everything!
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